S u s t a i n a b i l i t y


Love for nature

We have a fixed point in making wine and hospitality, we want to do it with the utmost respect for the environment, we do it using energy and certified organic agriculture.

C e r t i f i e d o r g a n i c f a r m i n g


Roccolo del Lago is the guardian of its territory. For our certified organically farmed vineyards we only use products of natural origin as well as our efforts and passion. Thanks to the organic management of micro-organisms and insects, we can obtain high-quality grapes respecting the environment and creating a clean vineyard with a functioning ecosystem.
Protecting our health and the environment is our number one priority at Roccolo del Lago.


We decided to use 100% renewable energy and make our production chain completely sustainable. Every process taking place in Roccolo del Lago – taking care of our vineyards, producing our wines, our wine tasting as well as our exclusive events – is powered by EKOenergy certified clean energy.

1 0 0 % c l e a n e n e r g y

The energy we use to offer our customers outstanding quality products and experiences is 100% EKOenergy certified. The EKOenergy label is the only one to be approved all over Europe for sustainable electricity and guarantees that certified energy is 100% renewable and produced in environment-friendly plants.

V e g a n p r o d u c t s


Our philosophy is to exclude where it’s possible, every form of animal exploitation and cruelty in our production process. Our products are vegan-attitude, to preserve the environment we live in and its ecosystem is very important to us.

Numero fantastico
Numero fantastico
Numero fantastico